Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace

Who Am I???

—by Alaine
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)

TOGS have an unusually hard time answering that question. Depending on who’s “out,” who’s “far away,” or who’s pretending to be someone else, the answer may be complicated. Sometimes the old questions, “How old are you?” or, “Who’s the president of the United States?” helps those around us decide who we are.

But as Christians, we have a whole different list of descriptions:

The list could go on and on. But there’s one crucial description of who we are that is often a little fuzzy around the edges. It is the monumental truth that

We are united with Christ!

What does that mean, and why is it so crucial for us to understand this truth?

Well, the “person” that masterminded the Jewish holocaust in Germany during World War II is the same “person” what incited our perpetrators to create what was for many of us, our own personal holocaust. He is the arch-hater of God; Satan himself.

He worked hard to destroy us all, causing emotional wounds, and trying to prevent them from healing. I am fully convinced that Satan takes advantage of any situation, and any trauma that he can. But God intervened! He has overcome the enemy, because God is a zillion times stronger than the being He created.

But, back to my point: We are united with Christ—“in Christ,” as Paul says. It would take a class in theology to fully see all the facets of this truth, but let’s look at a few of its “sparkles.” 

For one thing, Christ died as our substitute, and then He gave us His righteousness. God the Father looks at us and sees us “in Christ.” Our real position is one of being “seated in the heavenlies” with Christ; which brings us to the point of why it is so crucial to understand this truth.

Many people feel that their life is a sort of celestial tug of war. They are in the middle with God (good) pulling one arm in one direction, and Satan (evil) trying to drag them over to his side by pulling their other arm.

But when we remember the truth that we are united with Christ, seated with Him, we see the true picture—a vertical one with God over all, us seated with Him, and the devil under our feet!

The Bible says that Satan is under Christ’s feet. Since we are in Christ, Satan is under our feet as well. I know it doesn’t seem like it sometimes when we are duking it out in the trenches, but it is true.

Because of our union with Jesus Christ, we are assured of victory over all the spiritual forces that harass us. Is that good news or what??? It would be a good idea to tell the Lord “I don’t know much about what it means to be united with Christ. Would You help me understand it more?” Guess what? He will!!!I