Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace
When I Feel Insane
—by Alaine
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)
Help! I feel like I’m going insane!!! What should I do?
Don’t you just love it when someone reduces a complicated question into a simple “How To” list? Well, here goes anyway!
Next time you feel like you’re about to topple over the edge, here are some things to do that may help:
- Pray: “God I feel like I’m losing it. Hold onto my mind for me.”
- Say: “I resist the fear of insanity. My mind is in God’s hands.”
- Focus on (and perhaps say out loud) verses about your mind, such as:

“I have the mind of Christ.”

“God has given me a sound mind.”

“I choose to set my mind on ‘things above’.”
When I was going through one the most confusing time of my life, I often felt like I was going crazy. My mind was racing ahead, and I didn’t seem to be able to slow down or “collect” my thoughts. I also sensed a lot of things going on spiritually.
One day, as I felt my mind “slipping,” I told God, “It’s happening again Lord; hold onto me.” He gave me a mental picture that I used many times after that. He showed me His kind, strong hand. Then He placed me in His palm and gently covered me with His other hand, until the storm, the confusion was over.
That was always such a comfort to me during those desperate times—to know that God had me safe in His hands. The process of healing sometimes causes the boat to rock, but He always answers when we cry out “Hold onto me, Lord. Hold onto me.”