Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace

The 99% Club (Dealing With Fresh Trauma)

—by Alaine
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)

Choosing not to dissociate, when that has been our preferred way of dealing with life, can involve a pretty intense learning curve.

A few years back, I broke my ankle. Those of you who have done that know what an incredible level of pain I’m talking about! A few weeks later, as I thought back on what had happened, I found that my mind wanted to block out the event, including all the pain. I realized that I had to consciously ask God to help me not dissociate the memory of my breaking my ankle. I forced my mind to go all the way through the memory and then I gave the memory to the Lord. 

Now when I think about the time I broke my ankle, the memory isn’t toxic for me anymore. I think it would have been, if I had not taken care not to dissociate, and had allowed my mind to “flee” from the event.

I guess some things just take practice.