Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace
TOG's Humor Collection
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)
(I hope that our sense of humor doesn’t offend any of our readers. I have found that in general, TOGS have a creative way of looking at things and an ability to laugh a little even in spite of a tragic past and a difficult present.)
No Kidding!!!
Spotted on the Internet:
Hello, welcome to the Psychiatric Hot-line.
If you are obsessive-compulsive, please press 1 repeatedly.
If you are co-dependent, please ask someone to press 2.
If you have multiple personalities, please press 3, 4, 5, and 6.
Why will we feel right at home in heaven???
(Because we already have no sense of time!)
I’m lost. I’ve gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, please ask me to wait.
New Books Now Available:
Do you find it hard to relate to your SPD friends? Is it difficult to figure out how the SPD’s mind works? Then take a look at some of the books we came across!!!
Unlocking the Mystery of SPD*
Understanding the SPD Mind
Helping Your SPD Friends
SPD: Fact or Fiction?
*Single Personality Disorder
Now that we have your attention, we hope we’ve made our point: Being diagnosed as an MPD (or DID, which I really don’t like!) does not mean a person is weird, crazy, or Dr. Spock’s second cousin!
What it does mean is that God has created our minds with an ability to think in a certain way. He used that ability to keep us sane in an insane environment, and now He is putting the pieces back together so that we can experience the wholeness He wants for us.
This “mental elasticity” sometimes makes it hard to understand how non-MPDs think, and to be understood by them. But remember: God created both kinds of minds, and He can renew each type in different ways.
Besides…some of my best friends are SPD!I
Roses are red, violets are blue, I’m sure glad the Lord’s in charge of the zoo! I
How are potato chips like alters? You can’t have just one!!! I
Reality is only the playground for the unimaginative!I
“Normal is only a setting on the dryer!” I –Patsy Clairmont
If you have any complaints please write them illegibly on small post-it notes…I
Don’t be so concerned about doing devotions, but being devoted.