Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace


—by Constance Hay © 1996 All rights reserved
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)

Some are raging white waters
Of rampant, turbulent rivers;
Undermining, washing away,
Exposing all that is hidden
In its murky depths.

Some are softly singing,
Rolling streams of water;
Singing gentle, soft choruses,
To lush, green meadows,
As they meander by.

Some release the long-held
Anguish of the soul;
Bringing healing, wholeness
To the wounded, fragile,

Some shout for joy
Celebrating the whole of life;
Singing joyful, resounding
Hallelujahs, and songs of praise
To our Beloved Creator.

Some water, nourish,
Feed the souls of others;
Falling on the seeds of love
Sowed by another.

Oh, Jesus, may I weep?