Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace

Remember to Take a Break

—by Alaine
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)

Do you ever take a vacation?

Usually our lives are so intense as we move through the healing process that we need “down time” to relax. Whether this is a special day every so often, or a week long vacation, don’t forget to take time out to recharge.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we could sometimes leave our pressures, the voices, the anguish, and the inner confusion all behind us and just take off for an undisturbed time of rest?

I wish we could all do that, but for most of us it’s not a reality. So…how do we take time to let “God’s Natural Prozac” called RELAXING help us to de-stress?

Well, each person’s situation is different, but here are some general hints that may help some of us:

And so on!