Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace

Just Before Dawn

—by Pam
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)

In the darkened hours of my soul’s nighttime I sought Him,

Groping blindly from place to place.

I yearned for the warmth of the Living God,

And prayed for a refuge of safety

From the shadowed specters

That seemed to follow me wherever I went.

I despaired at the inky blackness

That enfolded me like a shroud;

For my eyes could not pierce it,

However intently I set my gaze

To discover some Source of Light in it.

Through the long night I stumbled on,

Tripping at every bump in my path,

And fearing a death fall

Over some unseen precipice.

Startling at every sound,

So magnified by my fears.

I thought I had journeyed like this forever!

And wondered, would I ever make it through?

It was just before dawn…

Just before dawn it is darkest,

And the nighttime seems most cold.

And the world all about feels so friendless.

But there, though doubting, I’m told

That then is when stars shine the brightest.

And if I’d but look up, I’d see

The heavens declaring God’s glory

And faithful promise to me—

That though I fear, or grow weary,

No matter how deep my despair,

As surely as day follows nighttime,

God has always been here.

His arms open wide to receive me,

Whenever to Him I should flee.

And though I can’t see much now clearly,

He’s here within reach beside me.

Oh, help me to rest in assurance

That Light once again will prevail,

And scatter the darkness far from me.

Remind me how You cannot fail.

Now I hear them! The songs of the night birds,

And all at once I am drawn to sing with them,

Day Light is coming!

This dark hour’s the one before dawn.I

(If you would like to order the book “Just Before Dawn” from which the above excerpt is taken, it is available at