Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace

Come Away

—by Constance Hay

(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)

We hear this sweet, sweet Spirit

Calling out to us;

“My child, My lambs,

My precious little ones.

I hear your cries,

I know your fears,

I feel your anguish,

I see your tears.

Come away with Me,

And fly beneath My wings

To a place of safety and security,

Where love knows no bounds,

And joy and peace reign forever

And darkness is no more.”


Darkness and night have overtaken my soul.

My heart is overwhelmed.

Your Word says,

“As the mountains

Are all around Jerusalem,

The Lord is all around His people.”

So Father, surround me.

For You alone are my shield

And My hiding place;

A strong tower against my enemies.

In You I take my place

And stand against the night.