Signs of Healthy Boundaries
- Revealing a little of yourself at a time, then checking to see how the other person responds to your sharing
- Deciding whether a potential relationship will be good for you
- Staying focused on your own growth and recovery
- Recognize when you are happy/unhappy
- Maintaining personal values despite what others want
- Noticing when someone else displays inappropriate boundaries
- Noticing when someone invades your boundaries
- Saying "No" to food, gifts, touch, and sex that you don't want
- Asking a person before touching them
- Respect for others - not taking advantage of someone's generosity
- Not allowing someone to take advantage of your generosity
- Trusting your own decisions but be open to other's opinions
- Have excited interest in self-enhancing hobbies and projects
- Appreciate feedback and distinguish it from attempts to manipulate
- Able to say "no" when you don't want to do something
- Knowing who you are and what you want
- Has clear preferences and acts on them
- Recognizing that friends and partners are not mind-readers
- Clearly communicating your wants and needs (and recognizing that you may be turned down, but you can ask)
- Treating yourself with gentleness, humor, love and respect
Circle the bullet of each boundary you have trouble with.
Stop now and ask the Lord which boundary is the most important for you to work on now.
What did He say?
Ask the Lord what He would like you to do to work on this boundary.
What did He say?
Work on what He told you this week and write about it below.
What opportunities did you have to set boundaries this week?
Continue to work on boundaries till they are not a problem anymore.