Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace


—by Teresa
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)

Words of prayer are sometimes followed by shouts that roll around in my head, screaming big unanswered questions like “WHY?” That same voice knows how many times I prayed for the abuse to stop; but it didn’t. God didn’t send anyone to my rescue. 

Part of me accepts the logical answers—like “That man has the free will to commit sin,” but the child in me still does not understand.

I am not alone with these questions. It seems that every time I am talking to someone in pain, they eventually stop at the “why” question. There seems to be no place to go with that question; it just hangs in the air dripping with tears.

Why did God allow my child to die? Why did God allow my parents to abuse me? Why did God allow…?

Sometimes those three little letters build a barrier between us and the Lord. “Why” can fester into a deep bitterness, and the enemy steps up to our ears and whispers things like, “God doesn’t really care about you.” Or if the enemy doesn’t, an internal part is sure to shout it inside our minds.

How do you know the difference? Is it the enemy, or one of our own? Listen carefully and ask the Lord to reveal the truth to you. It has been my experience that if it comes from a sister/brother inside, then it usually has an question mark at the end of the sentence, like this: “God doesn’t really care about us…” (and then a very quiet) “…does He?” 

I don’t know all the answers to all the “why” questions, but I do know not to be afraid to take them to the foot of the cross. Some of my “why” questions have been answered in ways I never thought possible. Others are left laying at Jesus’ feet for another day, another time, when His Truth will be revealed.