Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace
Specific Prayers for the Healing Journey
—by Alaine
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)
“Lord, please end the MPD! I’m going crazy!”
It’s a good thing that God hears bullet prayers, and answers all 9-1-1 emergency calls. But in addition to these, it’s a good idea to spend some time during your prayer time each day praying over the specific issues that MPD produces.
Here are some suggestions of what to pray about. Maybe even sharing this list with your counselor would help him/her be more specific in his/her prayers for you.
You may want to print this out and keep it where you can find it quickly and pray it often.
- What needs to be done inside to see the end of the MPD?
- Help the fears inside about merging.
- Is anyone blocking healing?
- Can we find a helper sister (personality)?
- Keep us from deception and confusion.
- Give me endurance and patience.
- Give my counselor godly wisdom and discernment.
- Help me to be willing to face whatever You want me to face from the past.
- Bring physical healing as You are bringing emotional healing.
- Do whatever is needed to end the anguish of part of me believing the past and part denying it.
- What strongholds does the enemy still have in my life?
- Continue to keep me safe as You heal me.
- Strip away enemies’ influence over my sisters (personalities).
- Teach me how to resist Satan.
- Help my mind to be clear enough to function while You are working in my life.
- Expose distortions about You, God, that I need to refuse.