Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace
Recognizing and Rejecting Distortions
—by Alaine
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)
You keep talking about “truth” and “distortions.” What might some of the lies be that I am believing about God the Father?
I’m glad you asked! Here are a few to get you started. See how many sound correct to you:
- God is very cold towards me.
- God is mad at me because I struggle so much at living the Christian life.
- God is only concerned about how “good” a Christian I am.
- God doesn’t want me to bother Him with “small, unimportant things.”
- God only says He loves me because He promised to love everyone and that has to include me.
- If I really trust God, He will make bad things happen to me.
- I have to do everything perfectly right in order for God to listen to me.
- Other Christians are more important to God than I am.
- I never know what God is going to do, or how He will treat me.
- I get along with Jesus Christ, but God the Father scares me.
- I’m pretty much on my own when it comes to doing things God’s way.
- When God does good things for me, it makes me nervous.
- God’s main goal is to have me do the right thing in every situation.
- I can never be sure when I’m doing “good enough” in my spiritual life.
- If I do my part, God has promised to do His part.
- How “good” a Christian I am is totally up to me.
- It is not safe for me to trust God.
- God puts up with me, even though I make Him mad.
- I can never do good enough in God’s eyes.
- I hate myself for not being “perfect”—the way God wants me to be.
- God is waiting for me to measure up to His standard; then He will bless me.
Lies, lies. All lies!!!
If you believe any of these, ask God to replace the distortion with His truth. Ask Him to show you why they are lies. Say, “I refuse the lie that…(God is far away, etc.), and I choose to believe the truth about my Heavenly Father.”