Toggles Connection Newsletter
Trophies of His Grace

Practicing Normalcy

—by Alaine
(From the Toggles Connection Newsletter)

Do you ever get tired of feeling like a space alien?

Wouldn’t it be nice for a change not to get “the look” from some of the people at church?

Are you tired of making a fool out of yourself when things get a bit out of control?

The answer: Practice being normal!

I’m not kidding. What I mean is this; watch the people around you, and (assuming they’re not out of control themselves) learn to fill in the gaps in your own fragmented childhood.

For example, at one time, I couldn’t eat around a table with other people. It was too claustrophobic for me. But, as I practiced, it got easier and easier. Now you have to practically drag me away from the table! (Just kidding!)

Learn some of the social skills you didn’t have time to learn as you were growing up by watching those who already have those skills.