Scroll down to the bottom half of the page for the videos
Healthy Trust & Boundaries
Can God's Promises be Trusted?
Restoring the Original Self
Why am I not Healed?
Only God Rescued Me
Levels of Dissociation
Are My Memories Real?
May be triggering
Resistant Identities
Can I Be Healed from DID
Why Do I Switch?
Is Denial a Bad Word?
Why Did I Split?
Who Am I?
Survivor Matters
Prayer and Distractions
Finding Safe Community
Heal and Grow
Not Moving Forward?
Responsibility VS Self-blame
Choice VS Control
Resting VS Avoiding
Solitude Vs Isolation
Trusting God - the way He Intended
Why I Trust God
Trusting God Disolves Shame
You Are Wonderfully Made
Trauma Q&A
Diane Speaks to Identities
May be triggering
Distinguishing Demons and Alters
Understanding Dissociation
Dr. Daniel Rumberger
May be triggering
Any of these resources may be triggering depending on your background and where you are in your healing journey. Some resources have trigger warnings because they are more likely to trigger.